Vojtěch Říha (CZ)
Superior Type – Visual Identity and Web Page for a New Type House
M.A. project
Academy of Fine Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague
Karel Haloun
Vojtěch Říha is a highly talented young designer from Prague. His typefaces have been featured in typography magazines all around the world and they have been honored at ED‑Awards (silver 2012, bronze 2014). For his MA project Říha has created a visual identity including type specimens and a web page for his type foundry, Superior Type. The page operating in beta version provides many opportunities to check the available fonts on the screen (it lets you input whatever text you please and display it in the dimensions you choose), arrange photographs with the text, and share the type specimens. The only thing missing is the capability to generate a PDF from the text the user creates. This limits the capacity to check the typeface in print in various languages and to lay out unconventional content. The jury particularly appreciated the complexity of the project, its commercial potential, and the fact that a new type foundry will come to exist on the market.